So desperate for attention
Well, I am so lame! I wanted to know how many people have been checking out my blog, so I added a stat counter to my page. Last Saturday there were 10 unique hits to my website. And since neither Darcy nor I were at work, that means that I wasn't doubling up. By looking at the stats, I figure about an average of 8 people look at my blog, 8 whole people.
I can probably name all of you.
Well, at least it's not just me and my roomate.
I can probably name all of you.
Well, at least it's not just me and my roomate.
Hey! What's wrong with your roommate?
Anonymous, at 6:42 PM
You're one to talk :p
PS. If you will continue to regularly update, I'll add you to the links.
Nancy Kenny, at 10:17 PM
nice... i am almost 13% of your audience.
and... for the record... 8 unique hits... means 7 people other then yourself.
darryldubya, at 4:29 AM
I just said 8 as a general average.
On Saturday there were 13 unique hits.
On a week day, I probably hit it twice, once at work and once at home.
Nancy Kenny, at 7:09 AM
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