So you want to be an actor?

Monday, November 15, 2004

Tiny Dancer

I'm not a dancer. I didn't realize that until this past week. Oh sure, I'll dance when we go to a bar. I even get by pretty well in couple dances like Swing or Salsa. But when it comes to stuff like modern, ballet, tap or jazz, fuggetabbouit!

In the play I'm in, I have to dance... alone... on stage... with everybody watching my awkward self. Ok, so it's not as bad as I'm making it up to be. I've been getting very good comments from the rest of the cast, and a lot of support from a wonderful choreographer. I'm just not too confident in this whole endeavor. This weekend, my choreographer taped me while I was dancing and it really wasn't that bad. The video tape helped a lot. I got to see where my rough spots where and how to make them better. The show opens this Wednesday. If you come and see it, let me know what you think.


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