So you want to be an actor?

Friday, June 29, 2007

The End is the Beginning

Well, on Sunday, June 24th, the Ottawa Fringe Festival came to a close. It truly was a wonderful adventure. The first show I have ever written/directed/produced went up and was an all-around success. Thank you to everyone who came out to see it. I managed to make a few dollars profit and I am pleased that I will be able to give my cast and crew something (however meager) in return.

I saw at least 13 different shows (way more than I had thought I would have time for) and if you add to that the 2 I saw at the Magnetic North Theatre Festival, I've seen 15 shows in June.

I met a ton of wonderful people including a beautiful clown, a dirty lounge singer, a guy with 18 personalities, and someone who told me about his experiences with the second coming of Christ. If you weren't there, you sorely missed out.

I learned a lot throughout my experience and I will now be taking the time to recoup, tie up some loose ends and rassle up some feedback for the show (if you saw the show don't be surprised if solicit you). I want to keep working on this script to see where it could go.

I haven't yet had a break so I can decompress and put my thoughts together. My rehearsals with Salamander's Shakespeare Young Company started while the Fringe was still going on. The show opens next week. I've also been giving Evolution Theatre a hand with publicity for their upcoming Insomnia (look for a plug soon) and getting ready for a presentation of my scene from acting class for an upcoming fundraiser (another plug coming soon). Add to that my day job at the museum, an overnight shoot doing BG work on an MOW, a trip to the clinic to get a tetanus shot and band aids because my landlord seems to think rusty nails and roofing materials should be left outside our front door (long story), and an online course through Algonquin College... yeah, a break would be nice.

Luckily, I'm going to Toronto this weekend. Going to watch a musical or two, read some books, and just rest. Oh and spend some time with Darcy before he forgets what I look like. On Monday, things pick up all over again.

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