Where Have All the Good People Gone?
Over the past two weeks, I have had the priviledge of seeing three different plays: Oleanna, Frida K, and Glengarry Glen Ross.
What did these three shows have in common? An incredibly small audience.
Seriously, there were probably 25 or so people for both Mamet shows (although it looked worse for SnB since they are in an auditorium that can probably seat over 300 people) and the NAC was so empty, I was able to score tickets at the front.
What is going on here? Where is everyone? Is there just TOO much theatre going on and Ottawa is oversaturated? Are tickets too expensive? Are people simply not interested in theatre? Is it just too cold outside to go out?
Does anyone out there have an answer?
What did these three shows have in common? An incredibly small audience.
Seriously, there were probably 25 or so people for both Mamet shows (although it looked worse for SnB since they are in an auditorium that can probably seat over 300 people) and the NAC was so empty, I was able to score tickets at the front.
What is going on here? Where is everyone? Is there just TOO much theatre going on and Ottawa is oversaturated? Are tickets too expensive? Are people simply not interested in theatre? Is it just too cold outside to go out?
Does anyone out there have an answer?
Labels: What's Out There
That's so weird...I said the exact same phrase just the other day!
Anonymous, at 3:41 PM
And now that I've actually read the post...:-P When I saw Frida k. the theatre was so packed I had trouble getting tickets so maybe it was just a slow day. As for the other shows...I think people have a misconception about Mamet plays...that they're only for intellectuals or something and this misconception keeps the good people away!
Anonymous, at 3:46 PM
I am hoping that you were being sarcastic when saying that there is too much theatre. Compared to other cities, Ottawa has barely any theatre going on. I think there need to be public outreach initiatives going on and more professional, inovating theatre. If you compare what is going on in Vancouver compared to Ottawa, there is a world of difference and people are actually going out to check things out. And sure we could cry about it and say that it's because Vancouver is a much bigger centre and so its obvious that it's got more. But you check out the theatre scene in Vancouver ten years ago and it was comparable with that of Ottawa. So what happened? People got sick of waiting for work to fall on their lap, made companies (electric company and boca del lupa are some that you might know of) and also people got stamped by major training schools. If you are presenting second rate shows (and I am not alluding to anything since I haven't seen all that much lately) then you are likely to get second rate audiences too. And you guys need more critics so that there's a sense of progression and not always someone there to pat you on the back. I could go on, but these things have been said before.
Lisa, at 7:29 PM
Yes, I was being sarcastic. If anything, I find there isn't enough stuff going on in town.
Nancy Kenny, at 9:50 AM
I think that attendance would be better if the big newspapers gave a break to theatre companies advertising their shows, or if that advertising could be subsidised by the city or something. There's a whole lot of people in the burbs, and it's pretty difficult to get them to come downtown to see theatre.
On the subject of how many shows we have going on ... I don't think we're doing that bad, considering.
Comparisons to Vancouver need to take into account the size of the film/tv business there, which spills over in the theatre world. When actors go to Van to work in film/tv, and find themselves not working, a lot of them will look to create their own work in theatre. We don't have that kind of film/tv volume here But here's hoping, anyway...
Ereek, at 2:32 PM
And just by the way ... looking over the postings to the www.ottawatheatre.ca mailing list, these are the "indie" shows that were posted in Jan:
Little Shop of Horrors (Suzart Productions)
Modern Broadway (Zucchini Grotto Theatre Company)
Betrayal (Third Wall Theatre Co.)
Showtune Showdown at the Bronson Centre
Possible Worlds (Evolution Theatre Company)
A Night in November (7:30 Productions)
Glengarry Glen Ross (Sock'n'Buskin Theatre Company)
Serial Monogamy (New Ottawa Repertory Theatre)
add to that shows at;
nAC (Frida K)
GCTC (A Number, Jan 30)
OLT (Communicating Doors, i think?)
KT (The Reaper Calls)
And that's only the English theatre stuff, we always forget about all the french stuff going on...
I think we actually have quite a bit of stuff going on.
Ereek, at 3:44 PM
I would be curious to see if the GCTC and the NAC (both sides) and La Nouvelle Scène (and also shows that are going on in the Outaouais... since that is another area that people forget about) are also feeling this crisis seeing as these companies have worked at establishing audiences. Or is it simply the indies of the indies who expect their cast and crew to work for free or for little.
Another thing is where are these indie companies:
1) Looking for funding;
2) Trying to establish themselves as possible non-profit organizations (or charities);
3) Creating outreach programs for audience members;
4) Trying to pay their actors/crew;
5) Have specialized skills (training for both directors, actors and designers) and seek additional training either when offered in Ottawa or going somewhere else for it;
6) Putting on inovative work that distinguishes themselves from anyone else;
7) And the list could go on
Anonymous, at 3:59 PM
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