So you want to be an actor?

Wednesday, December 06, 2006

WANTED: Nancy Kenny, some more

Well, well, well, where were all you people in oh, let's say, September, when I was in a big stinking funk of nothingness? (or maybe the big stinking funk is what kept you away? note to self: watch your karma)

Whatever it was, it's definately over now.

To recap, let's see what's going on in December:
  • Rehearsals for Possible Worlds (which get more and more interesting every time)
  • My last class with the Adult Professionals (I'm going to miss that group!)
  • Class with Michele Lonsdale-Smith (I may have mentioned her once or twice :p) from Dec. 7 to 14
  • The play The Domino Heart, where Kris Joseph experiments with wacky facial hair and body piercings (I will make it out to one performance or die trying!)
  • A Sens game versus Boston (ok, not an actor related thing, but I'm looking forward to it anyway)
  • I then leave for 10 days at home in NB where I hope to complete the frist draft of my Fringe script and fight with my mom over how much her "cut" as a producer is going to be.
  • And we top everything off with a massive New Year's Eve Blowout at my house on December 31st (all blog readers are of course invited!) where we will be celebrating with such illustrious guests as my best buddy Derek (fresh off a tour of duty in Vietnam... or maybe he was teaching English in Japan... I wasn't paying attention) and my wonderful souls sistah Eugenia (if she manages to change her flight, which she totally better! :p) More on that one later.
  • And somehow, throughout all of this, I have to find time to do some Christmas shopping and work 9 to 5 for the MNTF...

I've even had to say no to a few things like another play and some radio shows because I've simply gotten too busy.

Not a bad way to end the year and, as we swing into January:

  • More rehearsals and finally the opening of Possible Worlds (Shameless Self Promotion Coming Soon!)
  • Possibly three short films (although since only one has giving me an actual shooting date, the others will probably now have to wait until after PW)
  • A brand spanking new intensive scene study class with Claudia to keep my skills sharp (this one is going to be fun!)
  • A second, third, and possibly fourth draft of my Fringe play
  • Whatever free tickets I may get my hands on for the NAC
  • Anything else that comes my way...

I'm excited! While I know that most of these things may not even happen, it's fun to have stuff to look forward to.

*Edit* Make that four short films now. Ok, they are definately going to have to wait until after PW.

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