My First Grey Hair or What I Did on my Summer Vacation
Well it's really been a while now hasn't it? Sorry, as of August 26th I was on my way to NB for my cousin's wedding. I was a bridesmaid. Unfortunately, this was quite possibly the worse possible time for me to leave with regards to my job since school starts this week and I've been busy as hell.
So my Summer vacation really wasn't much of one. What with driving hours upon hours to accomplish many of my bridesmaid duties (Bacholorette Party, Dress Fitting, Family Visits, More Dress Fittings, ect.) and having to finish a ton of stuff for work, I was very tired and very stressed.
Which is probably what led to me or should I say the wedding stylist to finding a grey hair. A very long, as in I've been here a while, grey hair. A GREY FLIPPIN' HAIR! (shut up Karyn :p)
My guess is it comes from being one giant stressball of internal worry.
Well, this grey hair has led to a valuable epiphany in my life. You see, I take things way too seriously. (No Really!) For somethings, like acting, that can be a good thing. However, when it comes to a job that I only sorta like, a job whose quasi-purpose is solely to pay the bills, well then I really shouldn't be stressing so much about it. I mean, other wonderful artistic folk seem to be doing just fine in the realm of the uncertain-as-to-where-my-next-pay-cheque-is-coming-from. At least, that's what I keep telling myself.
So when I started work on Saturday morning, I started fresh. I will do the best job I can and that's that. My new motto: "Would it be the end of the world if (insert event here) did/did not happen?" If the answer is no, I move on.
I worked a 16 hour day yesterday keeping this in mind and you know what? It was a long and tiring day, but I was very happy and never once did I stress over the thousands of little things that went wrong.
It's going to be a good year.
(That's school year mind you)
So my Summer vacation really wasn't much of one. What with driving hours upon hours to accomplish many of my bridesmaid duties (Bacholorette Party, Dress Fitting, Family Visits, More Dress Fittings, ect.) and having to finish a ton of stuff for work, I was very tired and very stressed.
Which is probably what led to me or should I say the wedding stylist to finding a grey hair. A very long, as in I've been here a while, grey hair. A GREY FLIPPIN' HAIR! (shut up Karyn :p)
My guess is it comes from being one giant stressball of internal worry.
Well, this grey hair has led to a valuable epiphany in my life. You see, I take things way too seriously. (No Really!) For somethings, like acting, that can be a good thing. However, when it comes to a job that I only sorta like, a job whose quasi-purpose is solely to pay the bills, well then I really shouldn't be stressing so much about it. I mean, other wonderful artistic folk seem to be doing just fine in the realm of the uncertain-as-to-where-my-next-pay-cheque-is-coming-from. At least, that's what I keep telling myself.
So when I started work on Saturday morning, I started fresh. I will do the best job I can and that's that. My new motto: "Would it be the end of the world if (insert event here) did/did not happen?" If the answer is no, I move on.
I worked a 16 hour day yesterday keeping this in mind and you know what? It was a long and tiring day, but I was very happy and never once did I stress over the thousands of little things that went wrong.
It's going to be a good year.
(That's school year mind you)
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Anonymous, at 5:04 PM
Where does shite like you come from?
Nancy Kenny, at 7:49 PM
Hey Nancy-
Glad to see you're back. Since I'm working here in Northern Ontario I check your blog often for updates of Ottawa folk and the arts scene. I always come away from it enlightened or laughing-so good on you chicka-keep it up. Happy to see you're doing well.
Anonymous, at 11:20 PM
pffft, one grey hair? ONE??? That's all? Gimme a break.
Mme H, at 12:58 PM
Well, I may not have any grey hair yet, but I have anywhere between one and six migraines a week. I probably stress out more than you do Nancy!
Natalie Joy, at 2:49 PM
Oh and the hairdresser plucked out that grey hair too. So really, I don't have anymore.
I'm starting fresh :p
Oh Nat, you poor thing! Seriously, migraines are no laughing matter. Try my little motto, it might help ease the stress.
Nancy Kenny, at 4:50 PM
fool, plucking it will only make a bunch more grow in its place...according to some old wives somewhere. And trust me, that hasn't made things any better for me so they can't be that far off the mark (unless it just grows like grey wildfires after you spot the first one). Either way, Nancy, it's all downhill from here.
Yay, I'm not the only one getting old! :P We should form a support group (our meeting place? the bar).
Mme H, at 6:19 PM
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