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Friday, September 21, 2007

Hurricane on the Bayou

On October 4, the IMAX at the Canadian Museum of Civilization will be releasing its latest offering Hurricane on the Bayou; a pseudo documentary whose selling point is Hurricane Katrina but is really about the wetlands being washed away in Louisinna and how the without them the state really has no protection against hurricanes. I had the priviledge today of checking out an advance screening and I have to say I have never been moved like this by a film in a long time.

When Hurricane Katrina hit, I have to admit that it barely registered with me. It was something that happened far away and didn't impact my life in the slightest. But after watching this film... You know, Cajuns are just cousins of Acadians. The main guy in the film, his last name is Benoit. I know a lot of Benoits back home.

The film followed these musicians, including a 14 year old fiddle prodigy, and how they are using their art to bring awareness to the disappearing wetlands. Their art has purpose and it was beautiful, filled with soul and life. No matter what happened to their homes and their families, they still had this wonderful music that made you just want to dance in the street.

And to see the devastation caused by the hurricane so up close, so in your face, so big on the IMAX screen... well, let's just say I wished I had a plane so I could have flown down there to help out.

If you have a chance to see this movie, which will play well into 2008, don't miss it. I should also be getting four tickets which I will gladly give away to anyone who will use it because I think everyone should see this film.



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