So you want to be an actor?

Wednesday, March 07, 2007


I feel infinately better after having gotten that off my chest.



  • Yeah, I always feel that way when I take my bra off...

    ok, ok, seriously, though:

    I forgot you were doing stand in. I got a call about the male stand in ... but couldn't. That would have been funny...

    I've finally started telling myself: I have 2 careers. An acting career, and an IT career. Sure, I make 99% of my income from the latter, but put 95% of my thought and effort into the former, which is still in its infancy, despite my far-from-infancy-age, but let's not even start on that.
    I'm growing accustomed to feeling entirely off balance...


    By Blogger Ereek, at 8:11 PM  

  • Nancy I hear ya!I feel the same way, and I even have a few people in my life who are just waiting for me to get "realistic"! Blech, I hate that word. Since we understand each other, we can talk more when we get together this weekend to work on your AWESOME fringe show! :-)

    By Anonymous Anonymous, at 9:07 PM  

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