Oh Shit!
Dear Fringe Applicant;
Congratulations and welcome to the 2007 Ottawa Fringe Festival. A public lottery was held on December 15th and your company won a spot in next year’s Festival.
I got in?
I got in!
Sweet Jesus, I have to actually finish my script now!*
*I hope everyone (*cough* Kris Joseph *cough*) realizes that I am only half-kidding and I was planning on finishing this script all along.
On another note, Salamander Theatre has also decided that I impressed them so much with my first audition for their Young Company, that I don't need to do a second one. So post Fringe, you will be able to see me in Measure for Measure at various locales around town.
I'm fighting the rising urge to panic in the pit of my stomach. Resistance be damned! I'm going to make this work.
Labels: Always Training, Making It Work, The Actor
I do hope you are thankful you're in, because many local companies that have been staples of the festival are on the waiting this list year.
Including Enigma... sigh.
Natalie Joy, at 10:53 AM
Of course I'm thankful I'm in!
I hesitated on posting my insecurities regarding my first participation in a Fringe for this very reason. I didn't want people to think that I was just doing it as "something to do."
I have stories I want to tell and I am grateful to be getting that opportunity this year.
Nancy Kenny, at 11:14 AM
The great thing is: you don't actually have time to panic!
How excelent is that?
Ereek, at 1:52 PM
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