So You Want To Be An Actor?
I know, I know, it's been a long time since my last post. Although, to be fair, it was because our internet was out for a couple days.
I was going to talk about my time as an extra on this RCMP video, but Kris has already done such a good job at that, that I'll let it be.
Instead, I figured I would address myself to all the would-be actors out there who have stumbled on to my blog, either on purpose or by accident.
You see, last Thursday I had an audition for an MOW (movie of the week) that will be shooting in town. It was for a small role with three lines and no name; just Nurse. I was excited.
However, I thought I might put things into perspective for those of you who have never gone through this process called "The Audition"
My day went something like this:
9:30 am - show up at Claudia's house for some coaching on the lines. This went on for about an hour and a half, since I was also helping her get her camera equipment to be used latter that day.
11:15 am - show up at the gym for Bodyflow (a combination of Yoga, Tai Chi and Pilates) - remember to breathe and relax
12:30 pm - shop for shoes; nurses wear flats and I don't own any, also buy nylons since I will be wearing a skirt
1:00 pm - lunch at home
1:30 pm - iron my shirt for the audition I hate ironing (note to self, look into getting one of those clothes steamers)
2:00 pm - get in the shower
2:25 pm - keep changing my mind on the outfit I'm going to be wearing
2:45 pm - start hair and makeup
3:15 pm - Am I really going to wear that shirt?
3:45 pm - settle on a shirt, continue hair and makeup - dammit! why won't my hair stay in place? Nurses don't have stray strands of hair falling out... at least not on tv
4:10 pm - got everything? Time to leave the house...
4:15 pm - Dammit! My resume! And the printer is out of ink...
4:25 pm - Arrive at Claudia's and quickly print out my resume
4:30 pm - TRAFFIC! Put deodorant on in car, button up shirt, breathe
4:40 pm - Arrive right on time for the audition... they are behind schedule
5:15 pm - AUDITION!!!!
5:17 pm - leave audition room ... what just happened?
Does that sound like fun? Spending the whole day getting ready for an audition only to spend less than 2 minutes in front of the camera and probably not getting the job because you're too tall or too young or simply not "ethnic" enough?
Well, if you've read this and you haven't given up yet on your dream to become an actor, congratulations and welcome to the club. Send me money and I'll make you a membership card.
I was going to talk about my time as an extra on this RCMP video, but Kris has already done such a good job at that, that I'll let it be.
Instead, I figured I would address myself to all the would-be actors out there who have stumbled on to my blog, either on purpose or by accident.
You see, last Thursday I had an audition for an MOW (movie of the week) that will be shooting in town. It was for a small role with three lines and no name; just Nurse. I was excited.
However, I thought I might put things into perspective for those of you who have never gone through this process called "The Audition"
My day went something like this:
9:30 am - show up at Claudia's house for some coaching on the lines. This went on for about an hour and a half, since I was also helping her get her camera equipment to be used latter that day.
11:15 am - show up at the gym for Bodyflow (a combination of Yoga, Tai Chi and Pilates) - remember to breathe and relax
12:30 pm - shop for shoes; nurses wear flats and I don't own any, also buy nylons since I will be wearing a skirt
1:00 pm - lunch at home
1:30 pm - iron my shirt for the audition I hate ironing (note to self, look into getting one of those clothes steamers)
2:00 pm - get in the shower
2:25 pm - keep changing my mind on the outfit I'm going to be wearing
2:45 pm - start hair and makeup
3:15 pm - Am I really going to wear that shirt?
3:45 pm - settle on a shirt, continue hair and makeup - dammit! why won't my hair stay in place? Nurses don't have stray strands of hair falling out... at least not on tv
4:10 pm - got everything? Time to leave the house...
4:15 pm - Dammit! My resume! And the printer is out of ink...
4:25 pm - Arrive at Claudia's and quickly print out my resume
4:30 pm - TRAFFIC! Put deodorant on in car, button up shirt, breathe
4:40 pm - Arrive right on time for the audition... they are behind schedule
5:15 pm - AUDITION!!!!
5:17 pm - leave audition room ... what just happened?
Does that sound like fun? Spending the whole day getting ready for an audition only to spend less than 2 minutes in front of the camera and probably not getting the job because you're too tall or too young or simply not "ethnic" enough?
Well, if you've read this and you haven't given up yet on your dream to become an actor, congratulations and welcome to the club. Send me money and I'll make you a membership card.
Labels: The Actor
Dearest Nancy,
You must focus more on the 'play', rather than the itsy bitsy details.
(by details, I refer to things like, H/M/W) The joy will come, the joy will come - just keep breathing!
Travelling Journals, at 7:33 AM
I was making a point more than anything else.
Nancy Kenny, at 10:26 AM
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