So you want to be an actor?

Wednesday, May 03, 2006

25 Years and my Life is Still...

Well, I've done it! I've reached the quarter century mark.


For some reason, birthdays always make me want to take stock of my life; moreso than New Year's. I think it's because the new year is shared by everyone else, but my birthday, that's mine (fine, and everyone else who was born on this day).

So where am I?

I've graduated from a University with 3 degrees. I live with a wonderful man (who bought me shoes! SHOES!) I have a job in my field and I'm pursuing/attempting to pursue a career that I love.

All in all, I guess I have a pretty full rich life.

Now, this does not mean that I will become complacent. I have plenty of stuff I still want to accomplish. So here's a list of things I would like to accomplish before my next birthday:

-Get a passport and actually use it
-Take voice/dance lessons
-Join an actor's union (come on, at least one!)
-Spend an entire weekend with Darcy in some romantic location and not have to worry about work/rehearsal/friends
-Bring the dog to the ocean (and drown him ... uh did I say that outloud?)
-Pay off a large chunk of my student loans
-Cherish every moment I spend with people whose company I enjoy

I think that will do for now.

You know, dear readers, you can start helping me to accomplish that last point by joining me in the basement of the Royal Oak on Laurier this Friday. 11ish, since I will be coming after rehearsal.

Feel free to show up early, decorate and yell surprise :p

Or at least, feel free to show up


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