A Challenge
In the coming weeks I will have the opportunity to audition for the wonderfully talented, futur Mrs. Stewart Matthews (5 days and counting!)
Since I know she reads this blog, I hope she will forgive me when I say Ohshit!Ohshit!Ohshit!
I have to do a monologue.
You see monologues have never really been my strong point. Personnally, I find them very hard and I think I downright suck at them. Give me a cold read (which thankfully is also a part of my audition) and I am good to go. But a monologue?
It also doesn't help that I have not had to do a real audition monologue in almost two years. Subconsciously, I think I might have been avoiding them. I never know how to prepare for them, especially since I don't really have anyone to try it out on. At least not anyone who can give good, professional and constructive criticism. And I think my reflection is getting kinda sick of me.
Nat, please feel free to stop reading at any time :p
Anyway, I know I have to get over this because this show is definately something I want to do. Hell, I've been wanting to work with Nat again since, well, the last time we worked together.
So, if anyone has any suggestions out there, I'm all ears.
Oh, and a good contemporary monologue would also be appreciated.
Since I know she reads this blog, I hope she will forgive me when I say Ohshit!Ohshit!Ohshit!
I have to do a monologue.
You see monologues have never really been my strong point. Personnally, I find them very hard and I think I downright suck at them. Give me a cold read (which thankfully is also a part of my audition) and I am good to go. But a monologue?
It also doesn't help that I have not had to do a real audition monologue in almost two years. Subconsciously, I think I might have been avoiding them. I never know how to prepare for them, especially since I don't really have anyone to try it out on. At least not anyone who can give good, professional and constructive criticism. And I think my reflection is getting kinda sick of me.
Nat, please feel free to stop reading at any time :p
Anyway, I know I have to get over this because this show is definately something I want to do. Hell, I've been wanting to work with Nat again since, well, the last time we worked together.
So, if anyone has any suggestions out there, I'm all ears.
Oh, and a good contemporary monologue would also be appreciated.
By the way, remember that you also have the advantage of having already worked with me... and therefore I already know you can act.
Just choose something that appeals to your fun side... a character that's challenging for you or a subject matter you would never expect to come out of your mouth... just have fun with it.
And I'll try to give you Constructive Criticism. ;-)
Natalie Joy, at 9:14 AM
If it wasn't contemporary I'd suggest doing Shylock's "hath not a jew..." speech from Merchant of Venice. Back in the day I preformed that little number to roaring applause and critical acclaim.
Darcy, at 11:11 AM
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